Candy Cupcake
Hello, i'm Yaya. Fifteen years old. Loving life && love mermaids. Credit to beningsann Thanks :)
Final Exam 2012
Tuesday, 16 October 2012 | 02:19 | 0 candies

Keep calm and study.

Hello guys, lama tak update blog. Hehe, tahun depan pmr lah katakan. Tahun ni study hard sikit sebab nak score. Nanti turun kelas aku yang naya. Hm, so tomorrow the first day of final exam. First paper is mathematics paper2. Its killing me :( Hmm. Whatever it is i must study smart tonight and tomorrow morning. Hm. Im so thumping. 

So, Math, Bm kertas 1, Bm kertas 2. Hehehe. Happy jugak haritu masa birthday aku walaupun awalnya sedikit annoying. Omg, i love my classmates so badly. Im so lucky because have a great friends like them. And thanks jugak siapa yang datang haritu. Suka sangat walaupun habis melekit badan aku ni. Hehe. Sebab memang tu pun kan tujuan utama buat birthday party? Hehe. Semua girls, takde lelaki pun. So fun sebab kat rumah kan. Hehe.

So whatever it is, thankyou so much kepada yang bagi hadiah dekat aku. Hehe, im so appreciate. Love you all (; Hm. So wish me luck for tomorrow. Siape yang exam jugak esok tu, jangan lupa study malam ni eh? Keep praying to Allah. Hehe :) Wish me luck again..... Lovee :o