Avan Jogia is mine.
LOL He's so handsome. I love him!!!
Yeah, hello hai Assalammualaikum. Lama tak update. Im so malas to update this blog and thats why i think this blog dah berhabuk. Mwhaha, dah masuk bulan Ramadhan dah. 2 minggu lagi nak raya. Syukur Alhamdullilah. Can't wait for it. Yeah, who's that? He's Avan Jogia and he's mine. He's from Victorious.
Sekarang main twitter je. Hm, why? Sebab facebook takde ape pun. There's nothing. Jarang dah orang buat status macam 2011. Harhar okay. I just cant wait for Raya Aidilfitri!!! Ah, next year PMR. It's killing me at the same time. Okay nothing to say............
There is no upper hand,
I'm givin' you mine,
It doesn't have to end up,
Wasting your time,
There's things that I could say,
But here in my way,
I wanna let you know,
That it's all okay.
Okay byebye, see you next time <3